An alliance of the four Kimberley Shires

About Us

The KRG is an alliance of the four Shires of the Kimberley, being the Shire of Broome, the Shire of Derby West Kimberley, the Shire of Halls Creek and the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley. Collaboratively the group seeks to support outcomes for the region through improved social, economic and cultural outcomes.
Together, we aspire to enhance the rich diversity and liveability of the Kimberley for its people and the world, whilst generating intergenerational hope and opportunity for residents. Our values are expressed through:
- Our respect for the diversity of our people, landscape and culture.
- Commitment to innovation and positive outcomes across our vast region.
- Recognition of intergenerational benefits achieved through a reduction in harm.
- Valuing economic diversity in both scope and scale.
- The delivery of sustainability in balance with prosperity.
- Collaboration with integrity to achieve our collective vision.
Together we can achieve better outcomes across our region that will see future generations thrive physically, mentally, culturally and economically whilst looking after the place in which we all live.
Our Structure
The Kimberley Regional Group (KRG) comprises the four Shires of the Kimberley and was formed to focus on key issues specific to this region.
Operating under a Memorandum of Understanding, the Shires collaborate through aBoard with one elected representative from each member with an alternate able to attend meetings along with the Shire CEOs.
The Chair and Deputy Chair are elected after the Local Government elections are held, with the Shire that the Chair is from undertaking the Host Shire (Secretariat support) role including compliance and financial management.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to maintain and enhance the rich diversity and liveability of the Kimberley for its people and the world
The KRG is dedicated to improving the lives of residents and visitors across the Kimberley. This means working to improveand promote economic outcomes across agriculture, tourism, retail, the resource sectors as well as the multitude of small businessthat support those and other sectors.
The Kimberley region is an incredibly diverse and exciting place, full of opportunity and challenges. Four Shires strive to deliver services that make the region a place that people want to live, develop businesses and become part of the generations that have gone before and are yet to come.
Few would argue that the Kimberley is special, a fusion of cultures, lifestyles and resources that are blended with a spirit that wants to ensure that we pass on the pristine environment we enjoy today.
With all of the promise comes the reality of poor infrastructure and people at risk of being lost to substance abuse, violence and poverty. As a group, the Shires believe such a future should not face anybody in our community, that everybody should have a real opportunity to succeed and thrive. As such we value the creation of role models and programs that enable intergenerational disadvantage to be overcome.
We want to support environmentally sustainable business growth across our diversifying economy and to embrace technology and innovation to become a leader on a global stage.
Ours is not a vision to be bound to the physical, social and economic limitations of the present, but to negotiate a shared pathway towards a future that sustains us and provides boundless opportunities for our children as they grow and mature in to tomorrow’s leaders.

Our Pathway Forward

Our priorities focus on an inclusive community, free of disadvantage and placed to effectively engage in economic opportunity whilst respecting our history, culture and environment.
Our four key pillars of People, Place, Prosperity and Performance provide the framework for more detailed actions and timeframes to be developed within the context of member Shire requirements.

A vibrant community based on equity, inclusion and opportunity for all to discover.

Our region will become a leader in creating a sense of place and liveability whilst preserving history, culture & our unique environment.

The potential of the Kimberley as a strong, diversified economy is realised with benefits retained in the region & participation available to all.

As a collective, we will support the delivery of excellence in governance & service delivery that is relevant and of value.
How we can deliver.
To help us deliver on vision and priorities, six strategies are employed – we advocate, facilitate, partner, fund, promote and monitor. Through these strategies, we work with our member Shires and other relevant organisations to deliver our aspirations.
We are a key voice for the Kimberley and seek to influence funding and policy decisions for the betterment of our communities.
We help to make regional goals possible by combining the strength of our member Shires to deliver outcomes.
We form strategic alliances where that alignment will help to deliver agreed regional outcomes.
We monitor our region and our performance to inform decision making and highlight areas where greater focus is required.
We provide coordinated information across the region for matters of high importance.
We monitor our region and our performance to inform decision making and highlight areas where greater focus is required.

Acknowledgement of Country
The Kimberley Regional Group would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the Kimberley region of WA and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging and to extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia.